Mission and Vision

Preaching, Teaching, and "Living" the Word of GOD

Mission:  New Beginnings Christian Fellowship exists to provide a new beginning for those who do not know Christ, those who have turned away from Christ and those who want to get closer to Christ by providing a Bible teaching "Christlike" place of worship.

Vision:  To see the members of New Beginning Christian Fellowship be so passionate about Gods heart that they live what they believe by displaying openly those things that God would be pleased with while bringing lost souls to Christ. Just as Jesus reached out to those who were distressed, those who were hungry, those who were ill, and those who were unsaved, so shall NBCF reach out into the community, the area and the world to help those in need by providing a spiritual foundation that is Christ-based and God-centered. Focus of New Beginnings Christian Fellowship (What We Believe In)


  • PRAYER:  To see an ever increasing number of people praying for the souls of the lost, praying for those in need, praying for NBCF, and praying for themselves.
  • LEADERSHIP AND MOBILIZATION:  To provide ongoing leadership to the members of NBCF, Northern Virginia, and beyond.
  • MINISTRY TRAINING:  To provide functional orientation and training opportunities for those individuals in the congregation who are preparing to act as ambassadors for Christ.
  • PARTNERSHIPS:  To work diligently in order to provide opportunities of partnership between NBCF and other local churches, ministry departments, and denominations.
  • STRATEGIC INVOLVEMENT:  To develop plans for NBCF's strategic involvement in those areas of ministry where NBCF assumes primary responsibility and involvement rather then looking to an agency for its leadership (i.e. Homeless Shelters, Corrections, Food Banks, etc).
  • STRUCTURES:  To continually evaluate the structure of our organization to ensure its effectiveness in allowing us to work towards achieving our goals.
  • MINISTRY TEAM CARE:  To take a holistic approach to ensure that individuals ministering under any and all programs at NBCF will be cared for in a consistent and sensitive manner and treated fairly and equally.
  • RESOURCING AND FUNDING:  To develop and distribute material resources for the support of NBCF operations including ministry operations, outreach and full time employees when applicable.

Worship With Us

Sunday's at 9:00 am

6 Pidgeon Hill Dr., Suite 130, Sreling, VA 20165:

Dial-In (605) 472-5267
Access Code: 827008#